How to Help Your Property Management Company?

As a homeowner, you’re well-aware of how stressful and challenging it can be to rent out your property. Whether it’s collecting rent, handling repairs and maintenance issues, or keeping your tenants satisfied, handling property-related concerns is no easy task.

That’s where a property manager comes in. Property managers specialize in taking care of your property-related duties and responsibilities, thereby freeing up your time and energy for the things that matter.

Before handing over the management of your property to someone else, however, there are a few things you need to do and consider.

Make sure everything inside your rental unit is in good working condition

For example, the faucets and drainage pipes should be inspected for leaks. Electrical appliances should also be in good condition. If any of these fixtures aren’t working, have them replaced or repaired.

Also, make sure the fixtures are properly installed. The more these fixtures are in good condition, the fewer headaches your property manager will have to endure later.

Get rid of any personal items on the property.

Often, property owners leave their personal effects inside the property, especially in places like basements, yards, garages, and attics. Tenants expect the property to be empty and clean, so the aforementioned effects should be taken out before anyone moves in.

Also, by removing your personal items, you’ll be saving your property management company and tenant(s) the hassle of dealing with any unwanted objects left behind.

Give your home a good scrub.

A dirty rental property is a sure turnoff for any tenant. While some tenants may ignore old property and fixtures, most will avoid a place that looks dirty and has a bad odor.

The carpets, for instance, don’t necessarily need to be new, but they should be clean and free from holes. You can hire a professional cleaning service to handle the scrubbing, mopping, and sweeping for you. Better yet, ask your property manager if they can recommend any cleaning services within your area that meet your needs.

Repair and repaint damaged walls.

Before renting out, make sure your property’s walls are in their best possible condition. Walls are one of the first things a prospective tenant notices, and they can make or break the desirability of your property. You don’t need to repaint the walls, but you do have to make sure they don’t look old and worn out.

Keep appliances in good condition.

Appliances such as air conditioners, light bulbs, sinks and heaters should be in good working condition. Also, check whether the sinks and toilets flush properly.

In the summer, turn on the air conditioner, and set it between 75-78 degrees. In the winter, keep the thermostat between 60-65 degrees. Either way, your goal is to make the property feel comfortable and inviting to any prospective tenant.

Provide as much information about your property as possible.Fill out all forms provided by the property management company truthfully and completely.

It’s important that you give the property management company as much detail about your property as possible. These details may include the type of septic tank, the location of the main electricity switch, where the water shut-off is, and what size air filters are needed. This way, you’ll minimize the hassle of re-orienting your property manager every time they pay a visit to your property.

Fill out all forms provided by the property management company truthfully and completely.

Property management companies need these forms to ensure that they’ll be able to handle your rental to the best of their ability. The more complete and truthful your entries, the less likely you’ll encounter any future problems due to incomplete or misleading information. If there’s any information that you can’t fill out truthfully or completely for any reason, talk to your property management company about it.

Furnish copies of your HOA rules and requirements to your property management company.

By doing this, your property manager will know how to keep your property operating smoothly. Although the company may furnish copies of the above documents to your tenants, it won’t hurt to be one step ahead and do the same before your property manager does.

Don’t forget your contact information.

Using this information, your property manager will be able to contact you whenever necessary. At the very least, you should provide an email address, current home address and phone number.

By ensuring that the property is in excellent condition and that any paperwork is ironed out, you’ll be helping your property manager do their work as efficiently and effectively as they can.

With the tips above, you can minimize headaches for all parties involved